Do You Know Your Target Audience’s Intent?

Pareto Legal

Pareto Legal

June 5, 2023

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You’re getting ready to launch a PPC campaign. You’ve researched the best keywords to use, you know what your customers’ needs are, and you have a budget that will launch you to the top of the search results. That’s all you need, right? Well, not exactly. If you don’t know your users’ intent, then your campaign might still fall flat.

As search engines like Google have evolved over the years, they have made it a point to focus on the results that really match what information the user is looking for and come from a trusted source. When you’re setting up your SEO and PPC strategies, you need to consider why the person is searching for a specific keyword; and whether or not your website or content provides relevant information as a trusted source.

Why does user intent matter?

Well, if you search “wood flooring” on Google, there are several things you could be searching for:

  • A company to install wood flooring
  • How to clean a wood floor
  • How to install a wood floor
  • Where to buy wood flooring
  • Reviews for different types of wood flooring

If you don’t know precisely what information people are looking for when they use specific queries, you’ll have difficulty targeting them. You might even use incorrect keywords or offer content and ad copy that is irrelevant.

Are there different types of user intent?

That is a great question! The answer is yes; there are different types of user intent. Let’s take a look at what they are:

  • Navigational
  • Informational
  • Commercial Investigation
  • Transactional

As you set up your strategies, you need to figure out the correct category for each keyword. We’ll break down the above categories, so you have a good understanding of user intent for each one.


This type of query is used when people want to find a specific website. They use terms that they know are associated with the brand or business they want to find. This is an excellent way for brands to rank using their own brand terms. If you search “Shopify,” the search engine results pages (SERPs) will show some eCommerce websites that are competing for the highest rank with that brand term, but since Shopify’s site most closely matches that navigational intent, most clicks will go to Shopify. If you have products or services that are relevant to users, you can target navigational keywords to generate higher click rates and conversion rates.


This is exactly what it sounds like. These types of queries are people who want to know the who, what, where, when, why, or how of something. They typically don’t want to buy anything but are just doing research. Using information keywords, providing answers to fundamental questions people are asking, and exploring topics in-depth are great ways to show up at the top of SERPs.

Commercial Investigation

Before a big purchase, people will do research. Especially if they’re looking at purchasing something like a major appliance, car, electronic, or even solutions for their business. Some of these queries might be:

  • Questions- What’s the best water heater?
  • Comparisons- Apple vs. Android
  • Alternative options- Mailchimp alternatives

Using keywords for this type of search won’t bring about a lot of page views or impressions, but they can result in great conversion rates.


People using these types of queries are looking to make a purchase. They’ll use words like “buy” or “book” when they perform the search. Using transactional keywords in your PPC campaigns will target users that already have a good chance of making a purchase. These types of keywords will provide a significant ROI on your PPC ads. These will also be the most competitive keywords, so make sure you have the budget for it, or target a particular audience. Sometimes targeting a smaller group can prove to be more effective.

So, which keywords should you focus on right now? Well, that depends on what you’re trying to accomplish with your ad campaigns. If you want to increase brand awareness, then use navigational or informational keywords. If you’re looking for a significant ROI, you want to use transactional keywords, or if you want to see more conversions, then commercial is the way to go. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all with keywords. Knowing what your users are looking for is a very important step in using the right keywords in your campaigns.

No, you’re not a mind reader. So how do you know what the user’s intent is? Well, let Google do the work for you. Look at SERPs and see what the top-performing ads and organic search results are saying. What keywords do they use, what is in their description? You can take cues from the top results to make your PPC strategy stand out and reach the top of the list. Search what your brand offers. If you sell PCs, do one of each type of search to see what comes up. Think about how customers would search for your product:

  • Best gaming PC
  • Mac vs. PC
  • Where to buy PCs
  • What makes a good PC

If you want to spend less time on your PPC campaigns, let Pareto PPC take care of them for you! They can be a lot of work and be very time-consuming, but we are here to help. Using the right keywords incorrectly can result in poorly performing ads and low ranking results on SERPs. Let us take on the worry and hassle of user intent, so you can sit back and enjoy the increased traffic and revenue.

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